International conference on geological hazards and earth observatories services
The Platform for Atlantic Geohazard Risk Management (AGEO) is a project co-financed under the Interreg Programme for the Atlantic Area which aims to launch several Citizens’ Observatory pilots on geohazards according to regional priorities. These will demonstrate how citizens’ involvement in geohazard risks prevention can strengthen regional and national risk management systems.
The Atlantic region is exposed to a range of low-probability / high-impact events and various hazard risk scenarios, which, due to the low likelihood of occurrence and/or the high cost of mitigating action, lack the level of preparedness for effective monitoring and response. AGEO aims to pilot a new form of engagement between civil society and local authorities for geohazards-related local capacity building and encouraging the local use of innovative Earth observation products and services provided by European data infrastructures, with special focus on the Copernicus EMS platform.
AGEO will engage with local communities to actively participate in risk preparedness and monitoring and incorporate local capacities into risk management systems. Experiences gained during the implementation of the Citizens’ Observatory pilots will be used to formulate recommendations for the creation of future observatories in response to the widest range of hazards (both natural and human-induced) faced in the Atlantic region.
The Congress will take place in the “Casa del Aguardiente” in the municipality of La Frontera. This is an Interpretation Centre of the Border Rural Park and will permanently house all the samples of traditional activities related to the uses of this park (agricultural, livestock, forestry, environmental) in its northern area and, above all, its winemaking tradition.
Important Dates
Date | |
1st. Call | 28/02/2020 |
Deadline for abstract submission | 20/03/2020 |
Notificatuin on abstract acceptance | 31/03/2020 |
Registration deadline | 13/03/2020 |
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